Tree Donations
Honor a loved one with a live tree planted at one of our many beautiful parks. Warren County Park District is proud to partner with Sharon Nursery to offer this tree donation program.
These 25-gallon trees vary in height from 8 – 12 feet in height, depending on the variety chosen.
Trees can be purchased for $350 each, will be planted October through March, and are available in the following varieties:
Autumn Blaze Maple |
Red Maple (Red Sunset) |
Red Maple (October Glory) |
Eastern Redbud |
River Birch |
Thornless Honeylocust |
Pin Oak |
Greenspire Linden |
Shamrock Linden |
Accolade Elm |
London Planetree |
To inquire about a tree donation, please
Can I select the location?
Park District staff will work closely with the donor to select a location that works for both the donor and the Park District.
Can I add a plaque?
To maintain the natural appearance of the park, the Park District does not provide or allow plaques to accompany donated trees.
How long is my donation good for?
The lifetime of the tree. We guarantee tree survival for one year and if the tree dies within that time it will be replaced once at no additional charge.